12 Week Weight Loss Program
At Toronto Weight Loss and Wellness Clinic, we believe that every person is unique. Your weight is more than just a result of what you eat and how much you exercise…
The Ideal Protein Program
The Ideal Protein Program is not a fad diet that emphasizes severe caloric restriction. It focuses on healthy protein consumption rather than high protein consumption…
Weight Loss Acupuncture
Weight loss acupuncture can be used alone or in conjunction with one of our comprehensive weight loss plans. A major benefit of weight loss acupuncture is that it can be used to…
Pediatric Weight Wellness
Statistics show that most adolescents do not outgrow their weight but rather continue to gain more as adults. They are more at risk for developing…
Healthy Family Living Program
Toronto Weight Loss and Wellness Clinic is pleased to offer our Healthy Family Living Program, the first of its kind to address whole family weight loss and wellness…
Personalized Training Plans and Private Personal Training
skip the high costs of private personal training sessions and receive a uniquely designed, personalized training plan, created by Dr. Shelly Reitkop…
Weight Loss for Brides
There is no better motivation to lose weight than a beautiful engagement ring. For some brides and grooms-to-be, getting in shape for the big day…