Do I need to change my diet if I’m doing weight loss acupuncture?
Weight loss acupuncture is extremely effective in reducing cravings and regulating appetite. It works to calm the mind and balance cortisol, serotonin and dopamine levels. Dietary changes are an essential component to any effective weight loss program. Changes may be made alone or under the supervision of Dr. Shelly Reitkop, N.D.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Acupuncture treatments are virtually painless. Different sensations may be experienced and this varies from person to person. Common sensations include: dullness, heaviness, aching, tingling, sensations that cannot be verbally expressed and no sensation at all. Stiff or tight muscles as in the back may spasm with needle insertion as the muscle releases.
How long do the effects of weight loss acupuncture last?
When first starting acupuncture, the effects are quite temporary, lasting only a few days. According to Dr. Shelly Reitkop, N.D. weight loss acupuncture sessions should be frequent in the first 4 weeks, between 2-3x/week. After approximately 6-10 treatments, effects should become longer lasting and treatments can be spaced out to 2-4x/month.
Is weight loss acupuncture covered by extended health insurance?
Weight loss acupuncture is covered under Naturopathic Medicine. Some extended health insurance companies may also cover it under Acupuncture. Please speak with your extended health insurance company for more information.
Disclaimer: *Individual weight loss may vary. Call for details. Compliance with our program is required.