Igor Klibanov. Personal Trainer

Igor Klibanov

Igor Klibanov is the CEO of one of the GTA’s premier personal training and online coaching companies, Fitness Solutions Plus. He is the author of a number of books on exercise and nutrition, including STOP EXERCISING! The Way You Are Doing it NowThe Mental Health Prescription, and others.


Together with his team of elite, hand-picked fitness professionals, he collaborates with the Toronto Weight Loss Clinic to help busy professionals in the GTA lose weight, get toned, and improve their energy levels, using a holistic approach.


As a client of the Toronto Weight Loss Clinic, you’re entitled to get a $19.99 FREE PDF version of his book, STOP EXERCISING! The Way You Are Doing it Now. Just visit http://www.FitnessSolutionsPlus.ca/TorontoWeightLossClinic. Or to contact him in regards to his services, visit https://www.FitnessSolutionsPlus.ca. Mention that you’re from the Toronto Weight Loss Clinic, and get a couple of special bonuses.

Lose Weight. Optimize Your Health. Change Your Life.*

Why Choose Toronto Weight Loss and Wellness Clinic:

Disclaimer: *Individual weight loss may vary. Call for details. Compliance with our program is required.