Are you looking to improve the health of your whole family? Whether your goal is to lose weight or optimize your wellbeing, it’s always easier to tackle a goal together as a team.
Toronto Weight Loss and Wellness Clinic is pleased to offer our Healthy Family Living Program, the first of its kind to address whole family weight loss and wellness. Our doctors. will combine diet, exercise and specific supplements necessary to support each family member. Laboratory testing will be reviewed and additional testing may be recommended on a per patient basis.
Healthy Family Living Program Includes:
- 2 1-Hour Initial Comprehensive Adult Assessments
- Up to 2 45-minute Initial Comprehensive Pediatric Assessments
Both Include:- 1-Hour or 45-minute Verbal Assessment
- Weigh-In
- Measurements
- Supplement Prescription if required

- 1-Hour Family Dietary Guideline Review
- 4 45-minute Family Fitness Classes*
- Access to private Facebook support group

* Family fitness classes are available at home or at Toronto Weight Loss and Wellness Clinic